
Download the Conference Program (LINK


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Pre-Conference Field Trip from Pori to Honkajoki (see LINK)

Regional Counsil of Satakunta will meet you at the Pori Airport. There is a charter bus to Honkajoki. After visiting the Kirkkokallio at Honkajoki, the bus continue travel to the conference venue and to the conference hotels.

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Conference Venue: 
Seinäjoki Science Park FRAMI (address: Kampusranta 9 B, Seinäjoki, Finland)

6 p.m. - 9 p.m. Registration for participants (address: Kampusranta 9 B, Seinäjoki)

7:45 p.m.  A charter bus to the conference venue departs from the Cumulus Hotel Seinäjoki. Route: Cumulus Hotel Seinäjoki - Sokos Hotel Lakeus - Sokos Hotel Vaakuna

8:00 p.m. - 10 p.m. Get Together Party at the Restaurant Frami (address: Kampusranta 9 B, Seinäjoki). Dress code: smart casual.

Get together party is hosted by Antti Pasila, Dean, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences - School of Food and Agriculture. The VOCAL! choir performs twice.

10 p.m.  A charter bus departs from the conference venue. Route: Cumulus Hotel Seinäjoki – Sokos Hotel Vaakuna – Sokos Hotel Lakeus


Conference Venue: 

Seinäjoki Science Park FRAMI (address: Kampusranta 9 B, Seinäjoki)

8:00 a.m.   A charter bus to the conference venue departs from the Cumulus Hotel Seinäjoki. Route: Cumulus Hotel Seinäjoki - Sokos Hotel Lakeus - Sokos Hotel Vaakuna

8 a.m. -  Registration 

8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Business Expo - Food Province - Ruokaprovinssi
Food Province represents the entire food chain and culture as well as associated   competence and business promotion in South Ostrobothnian region. Local products are sold here – great possibility to purchase souvenirs from South Ostrobothnia!

9 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. Opening and Welcome, auditorium 1-2 
Asko Peltola, Regional Mayor (LINK to the presentation)
The Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia

9:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Keynote Speakers, auditorium 1-2 

Willemine Brinkman, Deputy Team Leader (LINK to the presentation)
EIP-AGRI Service Point
"The EIP-AGRI and the EIP-AGRI service point"

Sirpa Karjalainen, Ministerial Advisor (LINK to the presentation)
Ministry of Forest and Agriculture of Finland
"Co-operation and innovation in RDP Mainland Finland"

10:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Coffee/Tea Break

11:15 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Parallel Sessions I -IV
Choose the best topic for you, participate and have a fruitful discussion with the experts. 

Parallel Session I: Societal Challenges, room Marconi & Bell 
Chair: Sami Kurki, Director, Professor, University of Helsinki, Ruralia Institute

M.G.M. Vintges, Strategic Advisor (LINK to the presentation)
Municipality of Westland, Netherlands
"Greenport Westland-Oostland and other Greenports in the Netherlands: Greenhouse horticulture clusters with ties unparalleled anywhere else in the world. A regional approach."

Minna Junttila, International Coordinator (LINK to the presentation)
JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland
"From consumers into food citizens through education"

Arja Sarre, Project Manager (LINK to the presentation)
Seinäjoki Region Business Development Centre (SEEK)
"Food Province - Building platform for the future innovations in food"

Urszula Zimoch, Project Planner & Outi Hakala, Project Planner (LINK to the presentation)
University of Helsinki, Ruralia Institute
"Regional economic impacts of food production and local food purchases by public kitchens - regional study cases from Finland"

Parallel Session II: Ecological Challenges, auditorium 3 
Chair: Tania Rünge, Senior Policy Advisor, Copa-Cogeca

Seija Pihlajaviita, Quality Director (LINK to the presentation)
Atria Plc, Finland
"Corporate responsibility and traceability"

Enric Bartra, Researcher (LINK to the presentation)
"Sustainable practices in viticulture and ecology"

Anneli Ylimartimo, R&D Specialist (LINK to the presentation)
JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland
"Development of Water Protection in agrarian Areas along Waterways in Saarijärvi, Central Finland"

José Vogelezang (LINK to the presentation)
Topsector Horticulture & Starting Materials,  Wageningen U&R centre, The Netherlands
"How we meet Ecological Challenges in Horticulture?"

Parallel Session III: Technological & Economic Challenges, room Edison & Watt 
Chair: Risto Lauhanen, R&D Manager, Seinäjoki UAS - School of Food and Agriculture 

Marco Vieri, Full Prof. (biosystem engineering) (LINK to the presentation)
University of Florence – AgriSmaRT Tuscany, Italy
"Small Smart Farm: support system to small and family farms in food production and land care"

János-István Petrusán (LINK to the presentation)
IGV Institut für Getreideverarbeitung GmbH, Germany
"Multipurpose valorisation potential of food processing by-products – A review of past, present and emerging strategies in Europe"

Luciano Concezzi (LINK to the presentation)
3A-Parco Umbria Technology Park, Italy
"3A-PTA’s experience in the management of projects funded by Misure 124 –RDP UMBRIA 2007/2013 “Cooperation for development of new products, process and technologies in forestry and agro food sector”

Niklas von Weymarn, Vice President of Research (LINK to the presentation)
Metsä Fibre Ltd., Finland
"Bio-based Industries PPP"

Parallel Session IV: Technological & Economic Challenges, room Edustustila 
Chair Anu Hopia, Research Professor, University of Turku

Terhi Latvala, Principal Research Scientist (LINK to the presentation)
MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Economic Research, Finland
"Food and nutrition expert views on the identification of food reformulation issues regarding the healthier"

Hilkka Kämäräinen, Project Leader, Senior Lecturer (LINK to the presentation)
Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
"MAITO – MILK. Dairy Development in North Savo"

Peter Jens, Global Alliance Director (LINK to the presentation)
Koppert Biological Systems, The Netherlands 
"Safety, convenience and reliability: state-of-the-art crop protection"

Luana Ricci Paulesu, Professor, University of Siena, Italy &
Kirsi Vähäkangas, Professor, University of Eastern Finland (LINK to the presentation)
"A Finnish-Italian collaborative project by the groups of: Reproductive safety of food and processes in food industry"

1:30 p.m.  – 2:30 p.m. Buffet Lunch  

2:30 p.m – 5:00 p.m. Field Trips (by charter bus)
  • Punainen Tupa Wineyard - Punaisen Tuvan Viinitila
    • Company presentation and tasting. Punainen Tupa wineyard is specialized in wines made in Finnish berries (red-, white- and blackcurrants and berries from forests). Local wineproduction, storing and handling of raw materials and semifinished products are all located in wineyard's premises in Alajärvi, South Ostrobotnia.
  • Altia Group, Koskenkorva Plant (LINK) (cancelled!!)
  • MSK Cabins (LINK) & Junkkari (LINK) (cancelled!)
  • Pellon Group Ltd (LINK)
    • Company presentation. The Pellon-Group offers complete solutions for the needs of dairy, pork and beef production as well as stables and indoor riding arenas.
  • Valio Ltd. (LINK)
    • Valio is the market leader in all key dairy product groups in Finland with a number of major consumer brands in its portfolio. Valio consumer products are sold in Finland and increasingly also in Russia, Sweden and the Baltic States. The company has subsidiaries in in Russia, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the USA and China. Valio is owned by milk producers. (FULL!)
  • Atria PLC (LINK)
    • “Quality responsibility – the national quality strategy for the food sector”. Company presentation and a visit to pig slaughterhouse. (max. 10 participants; FULL!)
Charter busses will transport visitors to the hotels after visits.
7:00 p.m.  A charter bus to the Törnävä Manor departs from the Cumulus Hotel Seinäjoki. Route: Cumulus Hotel Seinäjoki - Sokos Hotel Lakeus - Sokos Hotel Vaakuna.

7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Seinäjoki City Reception at the Törnävä Manor (LINK
Dress code: smart casual.

Seinäjoki City Reception is hosted by Kati Ojaniemi (Chair of the Seinäjoki City Counsil), Jorma Rasinmäki (Mayor of the City of Seinäjoki), Harri Jokiranta (Deputy City Manager), Erkki Välimäki (Development Manager) and Leena Perämäki (Deputy Director, Business). 

9 p.m. A charter bus to the conference hotels departs from the Törnävä Manor. Route: Cumulus Hotel Seinäjoki - Sokos Hotel Lakeus - Sokos Hotel   Vaakuna – Törnävä Manor.


Conference Venue: Seinäjoki Science Park FRAMI (address: Kampusranta 9 B, Seinäjoki)

8 a.m. =>  Registration 

8:15  a.m. A charter bus to the conference venue departs from the Cumulus Hotel Seinäjoki. Route: Cumulus Hotel Seinäjoki - Sokos Hotel Lakeus - Sokos Hotel Vaakuna

9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Keynote Speaker, auditorium 1-2 

Jaana Husu-Kallio, Permanent Secretary (LINK to the presentation)
Ministry of Forest and Agriculture of Finland
"Sustainability as a national priority in the Finnish food chain"

9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Wrap Up Session, auditorium 1-2 

Conclusions of the parallel sessions presented by chairpersons. Discussion of the common innovation and research priorities.  

Chair: Jari Lehmusvaara, Managing Director
Satafood, Finland

11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Coffee/Tea Break

11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Project Match Making

Meet conference participants, find project partners and share your ideas.

Discuss with e.g. Outi Suomi, Senior Advisor in Horizon 2020 BIO-NCP, Tekes - Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation.

1:30 p.m. – 2.00 p.m. Conference Closing Remarks, auditorium 1-2 

Alessandra Gemmiti
Tuscany Region

2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Buffet Lunch

3 p.m. A charter bus to the railway station departs from the conference venue.   

Conference hosts: 

  • Jaakko Hallila, Manager of International Projects, The Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia 
  • Sanna Alaranta, Acting Director, West Finland European Office

Open wireless network is available in the conference venue: "Tervetuloa Framiin"

The conference is interactive. Send your comments via Twitter by using hastag #ERIAFF2014 of via (LINK).

Download the List of Participants (LINK)

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